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By the 22-23 school year, school year, school districts, charter schools, state-tribal compact schools, and private schools must make period products available at no cost to 6-12 grade students.
Arizona has allocated $2M to fund period products in public schools for FY 2023-2024.
All public schools with grades 6-12 must provide period products. There is $1.3M in the state budget to provide products.
Starting fall 2021 schools with over 50% of students enrolled in free or reduced-cost lunch can apply for a grant to provide period products in schools.
No, Massachusetts does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
No, Massachusetts does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
Starting with the 2023-2024 school year, Minnesota requires and funds period products in all public and charter schools.
No, Montana does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
“,”coord”:[0.3041,0.1559]},{“title”:”North Dakota”,”id”:”nd”,”pin”:”hidden”,”action”:”default”,”level”:”usa”,”color”:”#c300aa”,”desc”:”
No, North Dakota does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
Hawai’i Department of Education provides all public and public charter schools with period products starting in the 2022-2023 school year. The state appropriates $2,000,000 to fund the mandate.
No, Idaho does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
Starting in July 2022, all public and charter school must have free period products.
“,”coord”:[0.2358,0.4183]},{“title”:”New Mexico”,”id”:”nm”,”pin”:”hidden”,”action”:”default”,”level”:”usa”,”color”:”#ff757a”,”desc”:”
New Mexico funds and requires period products in middle and high schools.
No, Wyoming does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
No, Louisiana does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
No, Texas does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
Connecticut requires and funds period products in public schools for grades 4-12. They allocate $2M in their annual budget.
Connecticut requires and funds period products in public schools for grades 4-12. They allocate $2M in their annual budget.
“,”coord”:[0.8996,0.368]},{“title”:”New Hampshire”,”id”:”nh”,”pin”:”hidden”,”action”:”default”,”level”:”usa”,”color”:”#ffffff”,”desc”:”
All New Hampshire public middle and high schools must have period products.
No, Mississippi does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
“,”coord”:[0.6057,0.6686]},{“title”:”South Carolina”,”id”:”sc”,”pin”:”hidden”,”action”:”default”,”level”:”usa”,”color”:”#c300aa”,”desc”:”
No, South Carolina does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
As of the 2021 – 2022 school year, districts in Illinois must provide period products in all schools with students in grades 4-12. Additionally all public universities, colleges and shelters must provide products.
No, Indiana does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
No, Kentucky does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
“,”coord”:[0.7062,0.4912]},{“title”:”North Carolina”,”id”:”nc”,”pin”:”hidden”,”action”:”default”,”level”:”usa”,”color”:”#da71ce”,”desc”:”
Starting in the 2022-2023 school year, North Carolina provides grants to schools to purchase period products for students.
No, Ohio does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
No, Tennessee does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
All Virginia public elementary, middle, and high schools are required to provide period products at no cost to students.
No, Wisconsin does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
All public and charter schools in Delaware need to provide period products in half the school bathrooms for schools with grades 4-12.
“,”coord”:[0.8515,0.463]},{“title”:”District of Columbia”,”id”:”dc”,”pin”:”hidden”,”action”:”default”,”level”:”usa”,”color”:”#c81e7a”,”desc”:”
Beginning in 2022, all local education agencies, private schools, the University of DC, private universities and colleges, and vocational schools are required to install and maintain dispensers to provide period products for students starting at grade 4.
All Maryland public middle and high schools must have free period product dispensers in 2 bathrooms and elementary schools must have 1 dispenser with the state providing $500,000 in funding in 2022.
“,”coord”:[0.827,0.4499]},{“title”:”New Jersey”,”id”:”nj”,”pin”:”hidden”,”action”:”default”,”level”:”usa”,”color”:”#ff757a”,”desc”:”
No, New Jersey does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
“,”coord”:[0.8687,0.4249]},{“title”:”New York”,”id”:”ny”,”pin”:”hidden”,”action”:”default”,”level”:”usa”,”color”:”#ffffff”,”desc”:”
New York was the first state to require products in schools in 2018. All elementary and secondary public schools in the state serving students in grades 6-12 must provide period products.
No, Pennsylvania does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
No, Maine does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
No, Michigan does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
No, Alaska does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
No, Kansas does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
Missouri allocated $1 million to provide schools with period products upon request.
No, Nebraska does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
No, Oklahoma does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
“,”coord”:[0.4841,0.5896]},{“title”:”South Dakota”,”id”:”sd”,”pin”:”hidden”,”action”:”default”,”level”:”usa”,”color”:”#c300aa”,”desc”:”
No, South Dakota does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
Every public school in Oregon must have period product in at least 2 student bathrooms.
No, Arkansas does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
No, Iowa does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
Vermont requires schools to provide period products to students. Schools have to bear the cost of purchasing products.
Beginning August 2022, all public schools with Title I funding with grades 5-12 can apply for a grant to have free period products in their bathrooms.
No, Florida does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
Georgia’s Department of Education will fund grants to any school that applies to put period products in bathrooms.
Nevada public and charter middle, junior high, and high schools are required to provide period products in restrooms.
“,”coord”:[0.1503,0.3837]},{“title”:”West Virginia”,”id”:”wv”,”pin”:”hidden”,”action”:”default”,”level”:”usa”,”color”:”#c300aa”,”desc”:”
No, West Virginia does not require schools to provide period products or provide funding.
“,”coord”:[0.7593,0.4784]},{“title”:”Rhode Island”,”id”:”ri”,”pin”:”hidden”,”action”:”default”,”level”:”usa”,”color”:”#ffffff”,”desc”:”
Starting with the 22-23 school year, all public school bathrooms in grades 5-12 schools must have free period products.
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